Sunday, 1 November 2015

Woman in the park caressing the swans

This weekend I went out looking for the 'perfect' Sunday, obviously I'm never gonna have the perfect Sunday and if I do I wont know it until I have experienced all the Sundays I'm ever going to experience. This was a good Sunday. I went to the park and fed the ducks, geese and swans at St James park. A little woman with her family kept on asking for some of my bread which was fine, she would use it to lure the birds towards her out of the pond, and when the took the bread off her hand, occasionally biting her fingers, she would say ouch in the most playfully sexual verging on orgasmic way. I wondered was she getting sexual pleasure from the birds biting her fingers. She was also stroke their backs and heads and she particularly liked the swans because the could caress their necks, again the noises she made from this would suggest something sexual. I remembered the famous Greek myth of Leda and the swan. In my project last year I had overlooked birds completely especially swans. When actually they were important. Swans are also dangerous despite their appearance and can actually strangle and kill a human with the power of their necks, swans are also associated with sexuality and darkness as shown in the black swan. The woman kept telling the swans how beautiful they were, I wanted to understand what she saw in them?

I don't know what to do with this observation right now, but I know its important.

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