Sunday, 22 November 2015

Fictions are realities to come

interactive performance


I got involved in the piece, I was actually surprised at how many volunteered. We then began the workshop with everyone not participating as an audience, this was difficult at first but then I became mostly unaware of everyone else. I felt at ease around the strangers. We invented and became creatures in small groups, simple concept but was interesting to be part of and see how it was fabricated... mostly without group verbal interaction, feeding off each others physical thoughts, sort of like how a whole body might work, each of us being a section or organ. We had to sync up with each other. Reminded me a lot of drama games I used to play, where we had to improvise situations, or games where we had to meet a goal without speaking. I really enjoyed the non verbal communication, no planning we just had to get on with it, people couldn't take control as easily. There was a strange sense of team work with out creature and competition between other creature, why and how this happened I do not know. I guess it was a collective creature. We all had to take on an embody the creature. ours was odd as its function was to absorb others, so we kept trying to consume parts of the other creatures, so we became misunderstood. It was also very strange afterwards talking as our creatures and not in our creatures language, we were all back as ourselves physically but still had to talk about the creature as if we still were, like an interview? There is something very exciting about the live unplanned element, where the outcome is not controlled. Also it feels less selfish, the art becomes something enjoyed in the moment, by others, more than just yourself.

The artist Adam James often looks at the outsider, however for me this performance was all about inclusion. Yes we were playing outsiders ( although why does a creature have to be an outsider it can be anything no?) - it was the complete inclusion of individuals
His aims were for us to loose ourselves... did I loose myself... no of course not? but I couldn't have lost of myself otherwise it wouldn't have worked as a group piece, if we had all lost ourselves then we couldn't have collaborated together. I was very aware of the presence of others. If I lost myself that would be selfish and this work felt very unselfish.

I am really inspired by this experience, once the performance art society is in place, I would love to introduce things like this, I am also interested at working with fellow class mates in situations like this, but realise this will be more difficult. Improvisation is what I want to explore.

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