Sunday, 1 November 2015


I have found it extremely difficult to work with my ideas. I find immense difficulty in choosing ideas, the problem stems from the fact that I am an extremely indecisive person and also that I am interested by far too many things. Initially I started out around the idea of becoming, but quickly became very confused in my sketchbook, as I kept stemming off into different things, creating greater webs of thoughts, that made it even harder to decide. Even sitting down to 'decide' it stupid because it is forced and for me when its forced it doesn't work. But then if I don't force myself I don't get anywhere, as I cant just sit around thinking of ideas all day. What I need to happen is the natural decision where one just falls into place, but when does that ever happen.

Bob suggested I group my ideas and write them under separate headings on A4 pieces of paper, I did that and ended up with 16 sheets, which I then put in a box and tried to chose at random. Letting 'fate' decide is surely a good way to chose because it is neither forced by me or left to dangle for ever. However 'fate' doesn't work as it only highlights my indecisiveness, as when I chose one I then have the final say of whether its the 'chosen one' because I have the power to put it back in the box.

I realised that right now the only non-forced thing to do, would be to focus on the problem of ideas about ideas about ideas. Anything else would cause me problems. I am looking at this as a solution to my problem. Hopefully I can solve this and then get back to exploring all the ideas in the 'ideas box'

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