Monday, 30 November 2015


7 mins
49 mins
In relation to my practice, pantomime seemed like the next step because it seemed to reflect some of my actions and research. Both swatting flies excessively and nose picking (and the other actions such as running in a circle or catching imaginary thing with a net) seem like they would fit perfectly within a pantomime setting. Pantomime is all about absurdities and exaggeration which is reflective of the way i present my thoughts in my work, almost because i am taking the mick out of myself. I know they are ridiculous so i am playing off this.
With the idea of madness there is special seeing powers of ideas.
With the fly swatting, I panic the same panic in the run, but it is a paradoxical panic, panic for no reason, it is another mission destined to fail. This is prevalent in pantomime a sense that the audience already knows the answer, what is the come, but they go along with it anyway.
Bas Jan Ader - Set up to fail, pathetic as he cannot succeed in 'accidentally falling off the house for example.

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