Monday, 9 November 2015


Things to look at from the crit:
ESCAPISM - duality of contradiction - which relates my focus on the mind and body and Descartes dualism
Bruce Nauman - dinner date, bad boy, good boy
Bas Jan Ader - performance artist
"The philosopher at the end of the universe"
absurdity of the mind and body and spirit
Catherine Sullivan - performance and repetitive movements
Sophie Call
Francis Allic

what has also interested me is Opie naming my performance 'red shoes' obviously based on the red boots used however it has made me think of the play 'red shoes' , where the girl cannot stop dancing so has to cut her feet off. however in this case its sort of like the girl who cannot stop thinking about stupid things, running in circles trying to distract but that is hopeless. Violent methods - but for her it is physical to stop physical mine is physical to stop mental - Worth looking up

Documentation of the performance is exciting as i can see what people were doing when i left the room, everyone just seemed confused , some playing detective, trying to figure out where i had gone. I like it as it put ideas in their head, almost like the thoughts are being taken from me to them, but of course it doesnt work like that  - reminds me of energy cannot be created or destroyed, only trasnfered... would this work with ideas....
Also i like it as its a part of the performance i can never really see properly, i cannot feel the feelings in the room, which i guess is a good thing as i wouldnt want to add more things to my thinking in the run that would defeat the point? However in doing the running all my thinking was focused on what i had left behind in the room, strange how the place i run away from becomes the sole focus on my mind. while running i sort of forgot where i was, dont even really remeber the run because i was so nervous to return. I would have happily loved to just run away, but then i wouldnt be coming full circle and facing up to myself. I had to return, not only for the obvious limits of the crit but for the performance piece in itself. The running did actually stop thoughts about ideas as everything became about entering  and then for a while afterwards all i could think about was what i had just done... short term relief.
How could i expand on running ?? do i want to expand on running or was it more the element of suprise i liked ?
what about circles - want to explore circle more in performance as i feel that it was not explored right in this piece - circle default shape of the mind but seems fitting since circle is infinite and we cannot label the mind as finite. circle as an abyss mind as an abyss , why so negative.
I think the performance was bad, but im glad i did it. couldve been better if i practised it, but how could ii practise ? wouldnt this defeat the point. maybe the performance had to be bad that was the point as it was for me, for my mind, not for anyone elses. Yes, my work i self-indulgent in that way, should i try and escape this?


Am I supposed to go

What do I film
Do I have to
Where has she gone
She’ll come back, (she’ll come back)
Do you know where she is?
Does she have to go to the bathroom
Is she ok
She asked if she could borrow my card, so she has probably gone out
She asked for your card?
Yeh for my birthday card
more laughter
I noticed the shoes she was putting on didn’t have heels or something
I wasn’t sure if she was going to be walking like (mimics walking with shoes that don’t have heels)
Am I supposed to be filming the wall cos im just filming you guys
Well your getting our discussion about it
Were you meant to follow her
Shes just running around ….(unaudiable) somewhere
Everyone looks confused and awkward, Opie is looking at her paper unsure.
Whats going on?
Well she just put on some shoes and ran
What shoes?
They were like erm these big red lace up shoes and they were like
Kinky boots
They looked like they used to have heels on them
Ah ok
Whats happening (jazz hands)
She told me not to turn it off so
Whats happened
I reckon shes just outside, like wheres Hannah
We needed a go word
Ahhh shes back

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