Friday, 13 November 2015

Security zone 1971

Vito Acconci

Again I have come to look at Acconci's work, security zone interested me because of the focus on control. Acconci puts himself in a vulnerable position and places all his trust in someone, the control is out of his hands. He claimed that the person controlling him was someone he had an 'ambiguous feeling about', with this the person controlling also becomes an important component to the work, he has given this person a character to the viewer rather than them being just a medium in his work. I find this interesting as it becomes more than just a simple trust exercise. I also want to know more about this person, why he is ambiguous, is he a friend of Acconci's...?  His work looks at the trust in that control, how the other person determines how to use trust. Acconci is a non-swimmer and he is guided around the edge of the pier blindfolded by another person who can see. The significance of location is also important, the pier is on the edge of the city, this is where things happen that people don't want to know about, the criminals, the homeless etc. It suggests that they are doing something naughty, it reminds me of scenes in gangster movies where they meet on the pier, so one person can push the other (or shoot the other) into the water if things get ugly. This highlights the vulnerability of Acconci however it also emphasises the peaceful nature of what they are doing. Artists are often seen as outsiders, so here Acconci is perhaps playing up to this, placing himself and his practise away from society.

I’m blindfolded, my hands are tied behind me, my ears are plugged; in my deprived position, I’m forced to have trust—there’s only one person here who can stop me from walking off into the water. The piece measures my trust; more than that, it builds up trust. (The question is: will the trust last—does this trust deserve to last—once the piece is over?)

I am interested in Acconci's thinking about the end of the piece, it is not just about what we see, but what the after affects are, in doing this will Acconci no longer feel ambiguously about this person, when he watches the video back what will he see, did the person keep him completely away from edge or perhaps take him a little too close sometimes.... does he want the trust to last? I like this as it extends it past just something existing in the here and now, it leaves me to question what their relationship became after this. 

I dont know how this relates to my own ideas and practise. I guess the idea about trust and control is something relevant to me... Acconci putting his faith in someone else, and letting someone else control him, I am interesting in looking at ways to place control on myself. I spoke in a previous post about various ways to be controlled. Perhaps i could try something simple like this, what worries me or make me feel uncomfortable? Right now its the fact that i have found it hard to make work... could i get someone to give ideas to me , seeing as my problem is ideas, perhaps ask them to give me what they consider to be bad ideas, and i have to make them anyway... this way i am getting rid of the thing causing my problems, which is my own ideas. I could also focus on how this could change relationships with people, as i really like how Acconci's work does this or at least addresses this...

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