Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Absurd making desiscion methods

Currently I am thinking more about absurd making decision methods, different ways to make these decisions, but also who to target them at.
Everything compulsive to counter-act myself -- should I insert some mundane control.
Keith Tyson's Art machine is something I find interesting, I think more so in the questioning of its existence, what it looks like, how it actually works, whether we should take what he says to be true.

'A sculpture of a dorsal Fin randomly positioned each day upon 3x3 metre stainless steel plynth'
'Five found frames for 5 photographs'
'Atlas in the 21st century'
Reflect the complex and fragmented world i was living in - TYSON
The bizarre instructions are more than just a randomising device.
It is embracing complexity and absurdity - with a complex set of rules

The problem i have with this is that there are too many rules to this, why not make the machine more free somehow, maybe not even a 'machine', more about of absurdity of actions. Perhaps using people as part of the game too.
Perhaps things like a spinner, dice (giant dice or tiny dice?, human dice, or not actually a dice sort of dice), giant arms that extend and you wear them and spin around in a circle.  BAKING CAKES WITH SOMETHING INSIDE THEM - EATING THE DESISCION.
Dropping eggs label them, whichever cracks first, or whichever one has the biggest spill, that label relates to desiscion.
But where do the components of the desiscions comes from? me? or perhaps , taken from different concepts of others, my interpretations of certain aspects of their work?
stealing milk
everyone put hair in a jar then whoevers hair is picked out must choose or already determined idea.
Putting liquids in microwave and see which one bubbles over first.
I also like the idea of obviously biased results, so the control is not really not mine or perhaps deceptive...?
for example letting animals decide when really I'm pushing one animal
In Science controlling variable always interested me, and then cheating this, to make sure you got the wrong results in practical experiments.
Could i create ideas designed for other people - then swap them over
childish games like pass the parcel to determine my work
musical statues and musical chairs - it is all a game - idea determining what to make - perhaps even i know the idea all along but I just use this to make people do something useless except for my entertainment and maybe theirs.
Or force them to wear something silly and then do it?
Could it be interesting to trick everyone and dissect the meaning - assign to them and trick everyone.

'i have created something that asks me to create things that i do not necessarily want to make... yyet i desperatley want to make it manifest in my work'
what if the art machine is me?
using others as art machine without tellling them
perhaps some sort of business (loosely) - john warned against business art>>>> but maybe not a mock business but some sort of format of a service with currency, or forced service like U2 putting their album free onto everyone's itunes and then having to apologise.

Lindsay Sears
Sophie Calle
Francis Alys
Jackie Irvine

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